Friday, August 28, 2009

Another Graph Comparing Pot to other Drugs.

I thought that I would share this new graph that I found, comparing pot to other drugs. It shows that not only dependence in pot, but health risks are much much lower in it then anything else. In fact in the history of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not 1 single person has died to direct marijuana causes.

The Medical Uses of Marjiuana

In this diagram it shows the many uses for medical marijuana. This shows that if legalized, it would help millions of people with there illnesses. If only the Government would see this and make changes based on whats better for the people, not them.

NORML- The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
This organization is one of the leading organizations in the battle to legalize marijuana. I check out this site everyday, as it has a lot of information about how the attempt to legalize marijuana is going. Click on the picture to get a link to there website, everyone should check it out and register to vote to help change the laws.

The First Post.

I have created this blog to advocate anything about marijuana. I totally believe that marijuana is not a "drug" and does NOT have a negative effect on society. Marijuana should be legal, it would make the world a much more peaceful place. I will not only discuss marijuana, but also anything else I find interesting on the internet or in life.